Reliability and HSEQ
Work package 2 includes the following steps:
- Develop the hydrogen safety planning and management for the Austrian demonstration site.
- Develop a risk-based plan for measurement, monitoring and verification (MMV) for the Austrian demonstration site based on the one already existing. An upgraded plan is to be implemented and tested in WP 3, and the insights from the risk analysis and the know-how generated will feed into the development plans of the two Austrian upscaling sites in the same region with similar geological and socio-economic conditions.
- Generate bow-tie analysis to identify risks of hydrogen leakage and implement measures of prevention escalation should these events occur.
- Use learnings from demonstrator to develop similar site-specific risk-based MMV plans for the three replication sites in Hungary, Spain and The Netherlands with different geological and socio-economic conditions;.
- Integrate the learnings of the risk-based MMV plans developed for the demonstration and upscaling sites and the three replication (developed in WP 4) sites (developed in WP 4) into a generic (non-site specific) HSEQ risk management plan for UHS in porous reservoirs.
- Develop guidelines for cost-benefit analysis (CBA) and implementation of suitable monitoring technologies that can be applied at site level depending on the site’s characteristics to ensure containment and verify compliance.
- Provide recommendations for standardisation of design, material selection, risk management and monitoring for hydrogen storage in porous reservoirs (disseminated in WP 6) that ensure that the residual risk is minimised (ALARP).